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Jean-Michel SIMONIN, director, 58 29

Géraldine VILLAIN, deputy director, 57 22

Secretariat   :     59 66

Permanent members

Yvan BAUDRU, 56 65

Mohamed BELMOKHTAR, 58 28

Juliette BLANC, 57 76

Armelle CHABOT, 58 14

Olivier CHUPIN, 57 86

Alexis COTHENET, 59 42

Murilo FREITAS, 58 20

Jean-Philippe GARROS, 58 89

Jean-Luc GEFFARD, 58 05

Thierry GOUY, 58 50

Gilles GUILLARD, 58 50

Pierre HANKACH, 58 31

Pierre HORNYCH, 58 09

Amine IHAMOUTEN, 56 39

Jacques KERVEILLANT, 58 25

Jean-Marc MARTIN, 58 45

Fabien MENANT, 57 72

Mai Lan NGUYEN, 57 15

Johanna SAUVOUREL (secretariat), 59 66

Stéphane TRICHET, 56 41

Non permanent members

Marina AL BACHA, post-doctoral student, 58 44

Mathilde BURGEVIN, fixed-term contract, 58 47

Paulina LEIVA PADILLA, post-doctoral student, 58 44

Nabil MAIFIA, PHD student 2d year, 59 27

Ernest MBUBIA, PHD student 3rd year, 56 37

Gustavo OTTO, fixed-term contract, 56 71

Nathanaël PLOQUIN, fixed-term contract, 58 20

Johann PRIOU, post-doctoral student, 58 44

Sidi SID'AHMED, PHD student 1st year, 56 37

Chen SONG, PHD student 3rd year, 56 21

Sadek TORMOS, PHD student 3rd year, 59 27