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Originally developed in 2003 by the LCPC (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées) in partnership with the ENPC (Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) [1], the calculation core of the ViscoRoute© 2009 software, LCPC and the update [2] are deposited at the Agency for Program Protection since 2009 (

This software makes it possible to calculate the displacement fields, stresses and deformations of infinite roadway structures in the plane and depth. The charge(s) are mobile along the positive X axis. Their speed is non-zero and assumed to be constant. The contact pressure (vertical or not [3]) of this or these loads is uniformly distributed over a point, rectangular or elliptical surface. The behavior of the layers is either elastic or thermo-viscoelastic. In the latter case, applied to the behavior of bituminous coatings, the parameters of the Huet-Sayegh model (1963 & 1965) are used [4]. They are obtained after calibration, by the ViscoAnalyse software (, of the master curves originating from the laboratory tests. In this calculation kernel, the interfaces between layers are either perfectly glued (version 2.1) or perfectly sliding (version 2.2) [5].

The third version of HMI (Human Machine Interface) using ViscoRoute© was developed by MAST-LAMES team of the Gustave Eiffel University. This interface allows since 2024 the user to create online the input calculation files necessary for the executable, view the result of the calculations and save them.



[1] Duhamel D., Chabot A., Tamagny P., Harfouche L., 2005. Viscoroute : Visco-elastic modeling for asphalt pavements - Viscoroute : Modélisation des chaussées bitumineuses. Bulletin de liaison des Ponts et chaussées, (258-259), 89-103,

[2] Chabot A., Chupin O., Deloffre L., Duhamel D., 2010. Viscoroute 2.0: a tool for the simulation of moving load effects on asphalt pavement. RMPD,11 (2): 227-250, doi: 10.1080/14680629.2010.9690274

[3] Hammoum F., Chabot A., St. Laurent D., Chollet H., Vulturescu B., 2010. Effects of accelerating and decelerating tramway loads on bituminous pavement. Materials and Structures, 43:1257-1269,

[4] Huet, C., 1999. Coupled size and boundary-condition effects in viscoelastic heterogeneous and composite bodies. Mechanics of Materials 31, 787–829.

[5] Chupin O., Chabot A., Piau J.-M., Duhamel D., 2010. Influence of sliding interfaces on the response of a visco-elastic multilayered medium under a moving load. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47 (25/26): 3435-3446, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2010.08.020

